

Fall is officially here and that means winter isn’t far behind. Traditionally, the volume of home sales dips during this festive time of year, but does that mean it’s a bad time to sell? Fall and winter may not have the same volume of homes sold as spring and summer but they are actually great times to sell. This is because families have returned from summer vacations, the kids have gone back to school, and the holidays are just around the corner. For most people, fall and winter mean normalcy and that’s a good thing when it comes to selling homes. Let’s take a look at some of the ways getting back to normal can help you sell your home in fall or winter.

This time of year brings more serious buyers. It’s true that the spring and summer housing markets bring out more buyers, but many of them hold off on making offers. This is because the more homes they have to choose from the pickier they can be, resulting in buyers extending their timeline. However, in the fall and winter, serious buyers will be feeling the pressure to move before the end of the yea which puts you in the perfect position to sell.

Not only do serious home buyers begin to feel the pressure, but the limited number of homes on the market helps you out as well. When the number of options for home buyers shrinks it puts you in the driver’s seat. Competing in a smaller market is a powerful bargaining chip that can help you close fast and for a great price.

Additionally, fall and winter open up the opportunity to target other types of buyers. Since families are more likely to move in the spring, it’s important to cater to other demographics like millennials and empty-nesters who are most likely to purchase a home during this time of year. Employers are also likely to relocate workers in the fall to avoid the higher real estate rates of the spring and summer. This scenario is great since they are likely to want to close on the home quickly.

If we convinced you to sell, here are some tips to get ready for a fall or winter sale.

Work as quickly as possible to prepare your home for market. This way you can have it ready before the holidays are in full swing. First things first, check the homes heater and ventilation – you don’t want to find out the heater is broken on the first cold day of the year. It’s also important that the air inside your home smells fresh. We are not referring to scented candles here; instead, we are talking about the air filters. By having the system checked and the filters replaced you can avoid any embarrassing problems; plus, the buyer will have a home inspector double check your HVAC, so it’s great to have the maintenance up to date.

We can’t emphasize curb appeal enough and, in the fall and winter, maintaining your yard makes a big difference. Remember to rake up dead leaves, clear away summer vines and dead flowers, and trim overgrown vegetation from pathways and windows. Cutting back the bushes and tree limbs will not only showcase the exterior of the house, but will let valuable sunlight into the home as well. Once the yard is tidied up add some seasonal color like autumn flowers or poinsettias for the winter. Potted plants and flowers along walkways and in the entryway of the home work great for drawing attention to any homes entrance.

Light is important during this time of year and some subtle tricks can help to highlight your homes interior and give it the bright open feel buyers want. To start, clean up all the windows. You may not notice the water spots, dust, and smudges, but potential buyers will. Clean windows help all the light flood in and add to the overall feeling of the home. Another way to bring in the light when the days get shorter and the sun gets lower in the sky is to open up the blinds, shutters, and shades on every window in the house. Lastly, when showing the house, turn on all of the lights, even on appliances and in the closets. You can even place spotlights behind furniture to brighten up darker rooms.

If selling a home during the holiday season is beginning to sound like too much work, then there is another way. You can sell to an all cash buyer! We are Gulf State Homebuyers and we buy homes any time of the year. Skip the hassle of putting your home on the market and spend more time with your family and friends this year. Simply contact us for a free, no-obligation appraisal of your home. If you like our offer we can close in as little as five days, giving you the freedom to enjoy the holiday season.