It is estimated that 10,000 people per day are qualifying for social security benefits. Now that these baby boomers are entering the age of retirement, they are faced with a challenging decision: Do they stay in their homes or do they move to a senior community? Many are hesitant to leave their home because they are either emotionally attached to the house or they don’t want to admit that they are getting older. However, confronting the issue head on and recognizing the benefits of moving could make their lives easier and more enjoyable, even more than they would have imagined. In this article we will review some of the major benefits our clients have reported by making the decision to move. Remember, we are not referring to a senior home, but instead a 55 plus community.


  1. Increased Safety

One of the first reasons people often choose to live in senior communities is because of the safety. From the start, these neighborhoods are usually gate guarded with their own private entrance. This helps prevent burglars from taking advantage of out of town retirees, and it also keeps away solicitors and scam artists who want to get a piece of their hard-earned retirement savings.

There is however another aspect of safety that people don’t always consider. Retirement communities are situated near medical facilities to improve response time in the event of a medical emergency. This is a huge benefit for seniors who are more advanced in age or for those who are currently dealing with any medical conditions.

In addition to the nearby medical facilities, the community’s security officers and close-knit neighborhoods can conduct assessments on any unusual activity, such as unexpected visitors or if someone misses their favorite class or event without giving warning. This increased security in the retirement community can provide ease to many senior’s anxieties related to aging.


  1. Increased Access to Entertainment

Feeling young can mean staying social and active – thankfully, senior communities are filled with tons of entertainment. Most senior communities provide their residence access to an array of recreational activities such as swimming, golf, equestrian centers, and tennis, to name a few. They also provide residents access to continued education courses, both at the local community college and at the community residence itself. In addition, these communities host clubs related to a variety of hobbies – some popular ones include garden clubs, dance classes, knitting groups, baking clubs (which often have competitions, with prizes!), and more. During the holidays there are special events hosted as well – firework shows, potluck dinners, and gift exchanges are just a few. In essence, there is something for everyone! The bonus to it all…most of these activities are offered at a discount for residents of the community!


  1. Introduction to Social Groups

This endless list of activities and events fills one of the biggest needs for retirees: Connection. Lack of connection results in loneliness, and loneliness leads to many health problems later in life including increased chances of developing dementia or depression. The need for mental and social stimulation for many seniors is critical. It is one of the things we all fear the most, and retirement communities do a remarkable job keeping people connected. Plus, most senior living communities offer various types of living situations to accommodate any stage of retirement. Independent homes within the community are available for the active senior and assisted living is available for the elderly – Leveled options provide residents the right balance of independence and social interaction, ensuring that they keep their minds sharp and their spirits up.


  1. Unexpected Affordability

You may be surprised to know that senior communities are very affordable. Not only are the housing costs significantly cheaper than traditional neighborhoods, but there are other savings as well. As we mentioned before, medical facilities for routine checkups and prescription refills are nearby. This helps reduce potential travel costs. Senior communities are also designed to be walkable and encourage alternate forms of transportation, such as electric golf carts and bus routes, which ultimately reduces automotive expenses. Then there are all the events we mentioned that are typically included within the community’s monthly dues or offered at a discount. When combined with the other low-priced entertainment, residents’ overall expenses will be drastically lower compared to owning outside of the community.


Are You Interested?

So, if you find yourself retiring soon or already have and want to get the most of it, consider selling your home and moving to a senior community. We are Gulf State Homebuyers and we can buy your home and help you move without all of the hassles of selling your home on the open market. Contact us today and we can educate you on our services, as well as schedule an appointment to provide you with a free home evaluation.